Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 313 Promotion And Realization

Defeating the Demon Azazel wasn\'t the end true end of their mission.

Team Sapphire still has to clear out the ritual circles he placed around to ensure the safety of Sylvenvale. Thankfully, it wasn\'t that hard to do that. After dealing with the ritual circles and making sure that there aren\'t any left. The team decided to head back home.

Upon returning to Galadriel, Ashton and the members of Team Sapphire entered the guild, feeling proud of their success in completing the mission. They headed straight to the mission board to report their success and receive their rewards. As they approached the board, the guild master greeted them warmly.

"Well done, Team Sapphire! I heard that you successfully completed the mission and defeated the demon. You have done our guild proud," the guild master said, his voice echoing throughout the hall.

Ashton and the others bowed respectfully to the guild master, feeling honored by his praise. The guild master then handed them their rewards, which included a significant amount of gold coins and rare magical items.

"In addition to these rewards, I have another surprise for you, Ashton," the guild master said, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Your bravery and skill in defeating the demon have not gone unnoticed. As a result, I am pleased to announce that you have been promoted to the rank of Elite Member of the Demon Slaying Squad."

Ashton fought the urge to roll his eyes at the guild master\'s announcement. Well, there goes his plan of taking his time and accumulating strength. He had been pushed directly under the spotlight because of this, and he couldn\'t do anything other than sigh and accept it.

"Thank you, guild master! I will do my best to live up to this honor and continue to serve the guild with all my might," Ashton said, his voice filled with gratitude.

The guild master nodded approvingly, then dismissed the group with a wave of his hand. His teammates left the guild hall, feeling elated and proud of their success.

Ashton was walking towards the exit of the guild hall when he heard familiar voices calling his name. He turned around and saw his old teammates Roderick, Elias, Leila, and Kaida running toward him, their faces beaming with pride and excitement.

"Ashton, congratulations on your promotion!" Roderick exclaimed, clapping him on the back.

Elias grinned and added, "See? I told you guys he\'ll come back safely."

Leila hugged him tightly and said, "We\'re so proud of you, Ashton. You deserve this."

Kaida smiled warmly and said, "You\'ve come a long way since we first met you. It\'s an honor to have fought by your side."

Ashton smiled because of their warm greetings and congratulations. He had missed working with them and was happy to see them again.

"Thanks, guys. I couldn\'t have done it without your support and guidance," Ashton said, feeling grateful for their encouragement.

Roderick looked at Ashton with a hint of sadness in his eyes and said, "We\'re happy for you, Ashton, but we\'re also going to miss working with you. It won\'t be the same without you on our team."

Elias nodded in agreement and said, "Yeah, we had some good times together. It\'s hard to imagine going on missions without you."

Leila wiped a tear from her eye and said, "We\'ll always cherish the memories we made with you, Ashton. You\'re a great friend and teammate."

Kaida put a hand on Ashton\'s shoulder and said, "We\'ll still see each other around the guild, Ashton. And who knows, maybe we\'ll work together again someday."

Him being an Elite Member means that his responsibilities will become heavier as well. Ashton will be expected to clear high-difficulty missions as an Elite Member of the Demon Slaying Squad, which also means that his chances of working with his old teammates decreased greatly as well.

Ashton smiled at his old teammates and said, "I\'ll never forget the adventures we had together. If you ever need my help, don\'t hesitate to look for me."


His promotion comes with a short vacation. It was expected since he just finished a rather stressful mission.

As Ashton walked towards his small house on the outskirts of town, his mind was already racing with plans for the future. He knew that his promotion to Elite Member of the Demon Slaying Squad was a significant achievement, but he also knew that it was just a stepping stone toward his ultimate goal.

Ashton had always known that he didn\'t belong in this world. He had been brought here to repay a Karmic Debt, but he had no idea what his role in this world was beyond that. He knew that he needed to find answers, and he can\'t stall anymore than he already did.

This desire lead him to visit the place where he can read more about the history of the Fey Race. He thought that this would be an excellent starting point to pinpoint what exactly was his purpose here.

Ashton learned about the history of the kingdom, its legends and myths, and the powerful magic that flowed through its veins. He studied ancient texts, learned arcane spells, and explored ancient ruins. He also made new friends along the way, people who shared his passion for knowledge and adventure.

Eventually, Ashton arrived at the High Mage\'s Guild and was granted access to their vast library thanks to his status as an Elite Member of the Demon Slaying Squad. He spent many long hours pouring over ancient texts and tomes, trying to find any clues that could help him in his quest.

After dedicating that much time to his research, Ashton finally got an idea of what the situation actually looked like...

Ashton was stunned as he discovered that he was actually thrown into the distant past.

Elstar, the world he was in, was not a separate world at all, but it was actually his own world, the Blue Marble Planet, in the future. The Fey Race, who ruled over Elstar, was actually the evolved form of humans. Ashton felt like everything he thought he knew about the world had been turned upside down.

As he tried to process this new information, Ashton\'s thoughts went back to his patron, the Beast God, who had sent him to repay a Karmic Debt. He realized that the debt he was meant to repay was not to humans, but to his own bloodline. The Beast God had chosen him to help the Fey Race because Ashton used the Fey Race\'s bloodline to increase his strength and providence.

This formed a Karmic Link which transcended time and space, and Ashton had no choice but to repay that Karma. The Beast God only served as overseer of this agreement and the one who sent him here to repay that debt.

[Mission: Cleared!]

[The Host has discovered the truth about the Karmic Debt and his true purpose here. As a reward, some of the System\'s restrictions had been lifted.]

Ashton felt a rush of power flow through his body as his System came back online. He knew that with his new understanding of his purpose, he still couldn\'t use his System to its full potential, but that was fine with him.

Along with the realization of his purpose. Ashton also learned more about the Fey Race\'s power scaling...

The realm of the Archmasters and beyond represents a level of power that is rarely seen, even among the Fey Race. Those who have attained this level of power are said to be truly extraordinary, possessing a mastery over magic and combat that borders on the divine.

Archmasters are individuals who have surpassed the level of a Grandmaster, possessing a level of power that is almost impossible to comprehend. They can manipulate reality itself, bending the laws of physics to their will and creating powerful magical effects that can decimate entire armies.

The realm of the Demigods is a level above that of the Archmasters.

Demigods are entities of immense power and are often worshipped by mortals as divine beings. They possess godlike abilities, such as control over the elements, the ability to manipulate reality, and incredible physical strength and durability.

Above the Demigods are the Lesser Gods, who are even more powerful and are often associated with specific aspects of the world. For example, a Lesser God might have dominion over the sun, the moon, or the oceans. They possess incredible power and can manipulate the world on a grand scale.

Greater Gods are even more powerful than the Lesser Gods, possessing the ability to shape reality itself and control the very fabric of existence. They are entities of immense power, and their influence can be felt throughout the entire universe.

Finally, at the very top of the power scaling chart are the Divine Sovereigns. These entities are the most powerful beings in existence, capable of creating or destroying entire universes with a mere thought. Their power is beyond comprehension, and their existence is often shrouded in mystery and legend.

Overall, the power scaling chart serves as a testament to the incredible power and mastery over magic and combat possessed by the Fey Race, and it is a testament to their incredible strength and prowess in battle.

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