Davies moved through the ice until he came to a safe distance away from the boss\'s room while still inside the ice fortress. He came out of the ice and deactivated the elementalized state, turning his snowy body back into one with blood and flesh.

After changing back into his normal form, he began to run forward, following the same route he followed the now-dead frigid penguin through.

[I think you\'re going the wrong way] Miya called out when she noticed the direction he was running.

"No, I\'m not, what makes you think I am?" Davies questioned.

[The place you\'re going towards is crawling with monsters]

[I don\'t think even you can take out that many monsters before that \'Khal Ed\' comes after you] Miya reasoned.

"True… but we don\'t know any other way out, and going exploring right now is not a very good idea," Davies replied as he kept running.

[Then why aren\'t you using your elementalization… at least that way you\'ll be able to get away without being detected by the monsters]

"I can\'t do that right now…"

"Elementalization uses a lot of mana and causes a lot of mental strain, and I can\'t afford to be out of mana or tired right now,"

"... especially since that guy may be coming after us," Davies replied to Miya.

Of course, Khal Ed couldn\'t come after them since he has been given different orders from his master, but neither Davies nor Miya knew that, so Davies could only do his best to get away from this place as quickly and as efficiently as possible.


Davie had just reached the outer area of the ice fortress when an extremely loud and terror-inducing roar came from behind him.

[... that, doesn\'t sound good]

"No it doesn\'t," Davies responded as he rounded a corner and came face to face with the thousands of monsters in the outer area of the ice fortress. They had been riled up by the extremely loud roar that came from the inner areas and were looking around warily, and when they saw Davies, they all went into a frenzy as they began to charge toward him.

"This looks even worse," he muttered as he saw the wave of monsters that began to charge toward him, threatening to drown him in their saliva and rip him apart.

Davies quickly began to run towards the nearest wall as he thought about how to get out of this place in the shortest time possible. He couldn\'t take his time fighting them as he may end up being overwhelmed by their numbers, and even if he didn\'t end up being overwhelmed, it would still take him too much time to kill enough monsters for him to escape.

Luckily, he didn\'t have to go down that route thanks to his ice element. Ice wasn\'t the best at offense or defense, but rather it excelled at controlling abilities that determined the flow on the battlefield, and it excelled even more against multiple targets.

After thinking his plans through, Davies changed directions and began to run toward the monsters, and just when they were about to collide, he leaped into the air,

"Mana zone…" he muttered as he jumped into the air and quickly formed a huge ice mallet.

After reaching a certain height, gravity began to do its job to bring Davies back towards the floor and right into the middle of the wave of monsters, but that was exactly what Davies was waiting for as he swung the ice mallet as hard as he could towards the ground.

*BOOOOMMMM* the ice mallet crashed into the icy floors of the ice fortress, flattening all monsters below it into pancakes in the process.

Davies began to spread his mana as far as he could as he began to fall towards the floor, doing his best to make his mana contact as much of the ice around him as possible.

"Ice explosion," Davies said as he landed smoothly, causing all the ice that his mana had been able to touch to explode.


Unfortunately, this attack wasn\'t able to do much damage to the monsters and all it had managed to do was just spreading the icy dust from the exploded ice to spread around.

With his mana zone still activated, Davies began to manipulate the icy dust as well as all the snow in the surrounding area to start an icy storm filled with snow and ice dust.


The snowstorm raged against the surroundings and continuously impaired the senses of the monsters. They couldn\'t see because of the raging snow, they couldn\'t hear because of the sound the storm caused, and they couldn\'t smell Davies\'s location due to the continuously moving snow not allowing them to pick up his scent.

Meanwhile, the culprit of the snowstorm stood amidst the monsters at the moment, huffing a bit as he was slightly out of breath.

Despite how easy it sounded; it wasn\'t easy to do everything he just did as efficiently as he did even with his abilities. He had purposely run towards the monsters and jumped right above them so he could land in their midst just to get the highest effectiveness of his plan. His purpose in forming and throwing the huge mallet to kill a few monsters was to stun the monsters and get himself a few seconds of time the moment he landed.

He had spread out his mana to get into contact with a lot of the icy surroundings and he had exploded the ice to loosen up the snow and ice around so he could easily form the snow blizzard because even for him forming a blizzard as widespread and effective as this from scratch would drain him of both his mana and his mental strength.

Planning and precision was his game, efficient battles was his name.

This was a mantra that Davies followed to the letter. He couldn\'t afford to waste time around in battles shouting and trying to use the \'talk no jutsu\' as those only worked for the good guys and he wasn\'t one of them.

He followed the mantra outside battle as well and made sure to use it in his everyday life, if it was efficient, then Davies would follow that path. He couldn\'t afford to waste time and fall behind.

After all, he was a villain, the biggest and the baddest of them all.

[A villain that already failed and died thrice] Miya said scornfully, almost causing Davies to cough up blood.

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