Eternal Melody

Chapter 674 Angry

Chapter 674 Angry

  "Stop looking, so love-struck," Atsuro said, annoyed.

  "Oi, even if I am healing you. I am only stopping the bleeding and any internal damages. The latter, I am only focusing on anything that would cause you to miscarry. You should still rest when you get back."

  Sumire sighed. "Even though I had plans to attack."

  "Also, Yuhi is very angry. He isn\'t going to shout at you in front of everyone. But when your alone, he will."

  At that comment, her face color turned pale. "Wait, stop healing me. I think you should send me to the hospital instead."

  Atsuro sighed. "Are you that afraid?"

  "Yes!" Sumire immediately replied. "You don\'t understand, Atsuro. My dear never gets angry at me, so during the rare occasions that he does. It becomes terribly frightening."

  "That\'s great then; even if I scold you, you won\'t listen."

  Che, of course, she won\'t. Atsuro\'s scolding is him nagging after all. Sumire turned to the fight again. When she briefly looked earlier, Yuhi pushed back Mirako with his swords. The outcome of the fight was already decided. 

  But now, Mirako could no longer continue to take on a defensive stance. He slumped to the ground. Yuhi didn\'t waste any more words with him and returned to her.

  Yuhi kissed her eyelids. "She looks better, thanks, Atsuro."

  "If you\'re going to thank me, don\'t kiss her in front of me," Atsuro said, annoyed.

  "I gave you time alone with her; that should be enough." Yuhi scooped her up. "Alright, time to go."

  "Eh, but what about Mir-" Sumire turned to the scene and realized that Mirako was nowhere to be found. So, he ran off right after the fight ended?

  For somebody who was acting high and mighty earlier, he sure is fast to run away.

  "I let him get away, even though I could have finished him off. I feel like he can still be useful."

  Sumire blinked, hearing those words. Wow, how frightening, and she thought she was scary. After beating him to a pulp, he is suddenly \'useful?\'

  "Just to let you know, if he didn\'t hurt you. He may have gotten off with a lesser punishment."

  Nervous laughter escaped her lips. Yes, her dear is in a frightening mood. This isn\'t good for her. Perhaps it was due to the relief of being in Yuhi\'s arms or just being tired, but she felt her eyelids close.


  When she woke up, they were already close to the house. She managed to persuade Yuhi to put her down. It did not take them long before they reached the familiar building and the moment they got inside. She felt the temperature drop.

  Yuhi will never get mad at her publicly because he knew the media would use it to their advantage. He will not do something that will cause her more harm.

  He leads her to the living room and still doesn\'t say a word as he makes her sit down on the couch. Uh-

  Oh no, Yuhi-san is definitely angry this time.

  Yuhi\'s gaze was dim. "-and so? What was all that about?"


  "Regaining the goods after a failed arms deal?"

  "But if the enemy succeeded, it would have caused the start of a large-scale war," Sumire argued. 

  If that happened, there would be more lives that are lost. 

  "Who cares about that?" Yuhi yelled. He punched the wall causing a large crack to form. "I told you repeatedly, damn it, to prioritize your own safety even if you have to abandon your mission."


  "Sumire, have you forgotten that you\'re pregnant?"

  "I know that\'s why I didn\'t kill anyone."

  "That\'s not the point. The point is you put yourself in danger. You have to remember it\'s not just you anymore. You\'re carrying two other lives other than your own." Yuhi emphasized two other lives, and she paused.

  So, that\'s why. He is worried about losing the children.

  "What I am worried about is you, idiot." Yuhi suddenly said.

  Her over the kids? Seeing his already frustrated expression, Sumire knew better than to question him.

  "Ah, I-I\'m sorry."

  Yuhi sighed. "Show me your shoulders. Atsuro only healed your stomach; he didn\'t do anything about the other two."

  That makes sense; he probably thought that saving the children in her stomach was a priority. But, show him her shoulder? Sumire carefully undid her shirt buttons and slid her shirt off slightly, revealing her injured shoulder.

  Yuhi walked over with a medical box and slowly applied some ointment to the wound. 

  He still isn\'t looking at her. Is he that upset? What can she do? She doesn\'t like this atmosphere. It feels suffocating- Her thoughts break off when she feels a familiar pair of lips on hers. 

  Ah, he is kissing her. Despite the surprise, Sumire relaxed and opened her mouth. But the moment she did that, he stuck his tongue inside. This isn\'t the first time they have kissed using their tongues, but even she knew something was different. 

  "I-I can\'t bre-" Sumire barely managed to get those words out when Yuhi was kissing her deeply again.

  After ten minutes, Yuhi stopped kissing her and mumbled against her lips.

  "Don\'t do that again, okay?"


  "Like I said, don\'t do something that careless again. Next time you do, don\'t blame me if I lock you up."


  What kind of kiss was that? J-just now, it felt--

  "Hey, are you listening?"

  "Can you kiss me again like what you just did.."

  Yuhi looked at her dumbfounded and sighed. "Just now, I kissed you aggressively because I was angry. Are you telling me you liked it?"


  "As your punishment, you\'re not having anymore."

  Sumire looked at him dejected, but he suddenly cupped her cheeks. "However, you\'re too cute for me to stay mad at. Consider yourself lucky that I am addicted to everything about you."


  That\'s wrong, Yuhi; the lucky one is her. If he hadn\'t shown up at that moment, she would have listened to that voice and lost control of herself.


  That voice, no, there was more than one voice. It felt like she had heard it somewhere before, a long time ago.

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