Eternal Melody

Chapter 1035 This is me Part 11

Chapter 1035 This is me Part 11


Toh walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist. "How do you feel?"

"Mmm, still a bit dizzy. I was just going to make milk for the twins."

"I\'ll do that, you sit down." Toh pushes her down onto the couch and took over making milk for the children.

"I spoke with Yuhi." Sumire brought up.

Although she woke up in Toh\'s arms after the first time she spoke to Yuhi in the space. She didn\'t bring it up and he didn\'t asl

"Ah, how did it go?"

Sumire sighed. "He really is an idiot. He told me everything, filling in the gaps from Renna\'s story." She trails off. "We\'ve been talking, gradually. Not revealing too much because it would overwhelm the other party. But, we are getting there."

Toh nodded. "Take it easy. You two have a lot you need to speak about."

Sumire nodded and sighs. "I really shouldn\'t have kept so many secrets from him. It\'s partly my fault that he is so insecure."

"Don\'t blame yourself, there are no humans out there that are perfect. In fact, most people fail at communication. It\'s not just you and Terashima. Even the most perfect couples can fail at speaking." Toh finishes up and passes the bottle to Satomi.

"What about you then? Say you had a girlfriend right now-"

"I wanted to talk to you about that." Toh interjected.

It only takes her a few seconds to understand.

"Did you get a girlfriend? If so I\'ll just---" Sumire truly didn\'t know what to say.

The past few days he has been so attentive and loving towards her. She didn\'t sense that anything had changed between them.

"It was Akane."

Sumire blinker. "Akane-chan." She repeated.

Toh didn\'t say anything but Sumire noticed that Toh was watching her expression carefully.

"Because of San?" Sumire guessed.



"You did it too, so I thought I--" Toh trailed off with a conflicted look on his face.

Sumire bit her lip. "Sit next to me?"

At those words Toh takes a seat next to her on the bed. Sumire didn\'t hesitate to wrap her arms around his neck.


"I\'m here. Even if Yuhi comes back, I\'ll still be here for you." Sumire said softly. How could she possibly abandon him after everything he has done for her?

"You don\'t have to.."

"I do, please let me." Sumire said, determined.

Toh sighed but nodded as he kissed her forehead softly. "You don\'t have to worry about Akane."

"I don\'t? She doesn\'t like you?"

"Not like that." Toh trailed off. "I\'ll admit we have become good friends, but that\'s all."

"I understand Toh. You must have been lonely. I\'m sorry I made you go through that."

"It\'s fine. Do you wish to see the Lord?"

Sumire bit her lip. "Not now. I think we both need space away from each other. I want to sort out everything that has happened."

"and what does your heart say?" Toh questioned.

"It aches to see him, to be with him." Sumire mumbled.

"You\'ll have to see him eventually. You\'ve been drinking his blood daily, I assume you\'ll eventually need it."

"Right, I guess I can handle my thirst for a few more days."

"You could just take from me. Until you see him again."

Her cheeks coloured. "I-I don\'t think."

Toh shrugged.

\'Before.he would have teased and insisted. What happened must have hurt him..since he had to personally witness it. I really do owe him a lot.\'

Taking a deep breath, Sumire brushed her lips against his neck.

"Sumire? What are you doing?"

"You told me to drink." Sumire said as casually as she could.

The reality was very different, she felt very nervous. Her heart was thumping loudly. She doesn\'t know how she managed to drink his blood before. But, she ought to drink it. Her two months with Lucifer made her reliant on blood. The past few days she has done her best to suppress it, but Toh simply mentioning it has broken her self control.

"Since when did you listen to everything I say? Besides, what do you want?" Toh shakes his head and proceeds to move away from her.

"It doesn\'t have to be me. I can call Nagawa, I\'m sure he would be more than happy to--"

Sumire bites him, harshly.



She really is stubborn.

"Don\'t be angry, I\'m sorry."

"It\'s not your fault beautiful."

"I can\'t deny the pull towards Lucifer even with my memories back and I know that hurts you." Sumire mumbled.

Her words stung, and she probably realized that since she quickly apologized. Of course she feels something for Lucifer now. Of course she won\'t be able to treat him the same way she did before.

He slipped his hand under her nightgown and a soft moan escaped her lips. "Toh?"

"Have you had enough?"

"Not yet." Sumire mumbled. "Your hands are cold."

"Hmm? I think they\'ll get warm soon. You\'re warm."

"Toh, about Akane-chan, I think-"

"Keep biting, I\'ll show you." Toh sent a flood of images down Sumire\'s head and he heard her growl and hiss.

Sum ire growled. "Did you enjoy her body? Did you-"

Now there is that jealousy.?\'It\'s cruel to test her, but I have already fallen so low. I broke my rules, my morals and touched another woman just because I was lonely, and spiteful because she was in another man\'s arms.\'

Toh chuckles. "It was simply pleasure. But, not enough to keep me satisfied. Only you can do that."

"I, does this situation satisfy you?

Toh smirked. "I\'ll admit, it is nice. But I prefer you naked, and underneath me."

Sumire rolled her eyes. "I need a bath."

"Perfect." Toh scoops her up and kicks open the door. With a snap of his fingers the tub is full.

Sumire blinked. "I didn\'t know you could do that."

Toh chuckled. "There are many things that I can do that you don\'t know about."

There are still things that he wants to show her, especially in the intimate department.

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