Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 620 - Orcborg's Past And A Proof Of Betrayal From One Of The Ally Gods

Chapter 620 Orcborg\'s past and a proof of betrayal from one of the ally Gods

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

"What a coincidence, it seems like we both have the same idea," Orcborg said before letting out a chuckle. He then continued, "I guess that, unlike the other alliances, our alliance would have to stick until the grand finals of the Emerald Elven Battle Competition, which honestly speaking, is really great because only the championship could make my Red Fist Guild fight without holding back against you,"

"Likewise!" Leo nodded his head in agreement. But all of a sudden, his face turned serious as he said, "And besides, aside from the championship, we both also have the same goal in mind,"

"To eliminate the members of the Naughty Elves organization," Leo and Orcborg whispered to each other in unison. 

"I didn\'t expect that our tacit understanding with each other would also be this seamless," Orcborg quickly changed the topic. 

"Though I can\'t help but wonder in curiosity, why despite being a member of the Orc race, you are shockingly helping the Elf race fight against their common enemy?" Leo asked, completely ignoring Orcborg\'s wish to change the topic.

"Oh, you actually didn\'t know?" Orcborg replied, a bit surprised that Loki doesn\'t know the reason why. He explained, "It isn\'t really a secret to the people in the Emerald Tree Kingdom. In fact, I think almost everyone knows about this information. Of course, except for the fact that I\'m helping the Elf race fight against the Naughty Elves organization,"

Looking around their surroundings, Orcborg said, "This place is not a good location to talk about that, so how about we go somewhere else where there are only a few people around?"

"Okay," Leo nodded his head without any problem.

Even though there is an Isolation Magic spell that currently prevented their conversation from being heard by anyone around them right now, which was casted by Orcborg the instant they began talking, it still doesn\'t give them any sure assurance that their conversation would indeed not leaked to other people. After all, people could read lips. 

Honestly, that was the main reason why they choose to whisper the line, "To eliminate the members of the Naughty Elves organization," to each other.

Such a method of conversation though, would likewise not guarantee that their conversation will indeed not leaked as well.

Only Fate knows whether there are people, in particular members from the Naughty Elves organization, who can ignore the Isolation Magic spell that Orcborg had casted or not. 

It is already very common knowledge, especially to Mages or people who are practicing Magic, that there are Mages who are proficient with the Sound Element, which gives them the capability to easily eavesdropped with anyone\'s conversation without their target noticing anything about it. 

Last but not the least, there is also an unpredictable existence known as Special Mages. Although the probability is small for a Special Mage to actually exist in this ballroom right now, let alone a Special Mage that coincidentally has a unique capability that allows them to eavesdrop in their conversation, it is still much better to be safe than sorry. 

In short, there are just so many methods that exist in the entire Celestial World that allows one to eavesdrop on someone else\'s conversation without them noticing anything about it, especially in a crowded place. 

That\'s why it is much better and preferable to talk about important matters in a place with only a few people around. 

Leo excused himself from Cassandra and the others before going with Orcborg to find a good place to continue with their conversation. 

Soon, the both of them arrived at the back garden of the Evergreen royal family\'s castle, specifically the place where Leo had first meet Uncle Elfin. 

This place was really perfect for people like them as it is very far from the venue of the ball, also the atmosphere of the place really fit with the mood of their conversation. 

Aside from that, as of this very moment, the garden of the Evergreen royal family\'s castle only has a few guests around, specifically more or less than 20 people. Probably because the majority of the people\'s intention when they came to the Evergreen royal family\'s castle involved being with a lot of people. And only those people who are interested in having a deeper and secretive conversation, similar to them, would come to this kind of place. 

Because there were only a few people around, Leo and Orcborg were able to easily choose a place far from anyone present in the garden. In such a way, even if someone wanted to listen to their conversation, it would be extremely difficult for them to do so without getting noticed.

Arriving in the place, Orcborg then continued the conversation, "When I was young, the town that I lived at was attacked by Orcs who are somewhat similar to the Naughty Elves organization. They are called the Asura organization, made up of Orcs who worshipped the Asura God, or is also more commonly called as the God of War,"

As soon as Orcborg mentioned the word Asura God and the God of War, in the peripheral vision of Leo, he suddenly noticed a vague green-colored String of Fate being slowly created and turning vibrant until eventually, it connected the two of them together. 

Seeing such a sight, Leo can\'t help becoming really shocked. If he remembered correctly, this kind of situation only meant one thing; the God of War has now chosen to side with the enemy Gods and is no longer considered as an ally by both the God of Fate and God Elementus. In other words, he has more enemies and fewer allies now.

It is really out of his expectations that he... No, to be more precise, they, including both the God of Fate and God Elementus currently hiding inside the Cube of Fate, would discover such a secret just from his casual conversation with Orcborg alone.

He really has a lot of questions inside of his mind right now about the reason why the God of War has decided to betray the God of Fate and God Elementus. But unfortunately, in his current location, no matter how much he wanted and the effort he will invest in order to learn and gather more informations to answer his questions, it would still only allow him to discover tinny tiny bits of informations, which honestly speaking, is almost close to discovering nothing. 

His only source of information as of this very moment is Orcborg\'s story since it seems too involved little bits of informations that he needed about the God of War. Hence, he chooses to remain silent and continue listening to his story. Maybe there\'s a chance that he would get some important clues to answering his questions.

Orcborg didn\'t notice Leo\'s surprised expression since his back was turned against him and he was also staring straight towards the night sky as if reminiscing about his past. He continued speaking, "Fortunately for me, I was saved by my Master, who is a female Dark Elf, from the closely approaching hands of Death. Starting from that moment on, I followed my Master as we journeyed around the territories of both the Elf race and Orc race, trying to fight against both the Asura organization and Naughty Elves organization,"

"Only after repeating such an objective for a few decades did we finally choose to settle down in the territory of the Emerald Tree Kingdom, which is both of our opinions, was a really perfect and peaceful place away from any sort of trouble. It is also extremely far away from the Battlefield of the War of Races, thus we don\'t have to worry about people recognizing us and hence causing trouble to befall in this Elf territory as well,"

"Along our journey, me and my Master both started developing comfort and reliance to each other, which eventually lead to having romantic interest with one another and finally falling in love together. We decided to be married, and live our lives as peacefully as we could in the Emerald Tree Kingdom, no longer involving ourselves with anything that we used to do in our past,"

"Life and Fate was very kind to the two of us since it granted us our wishes. We even both had a child together, a beautiful little girl we named little Orchid... I know, it sounded so ridiculous and unsuitable to use as a person\'s name. But after scavenging for many days and nights to look for a suitable name for our daughter, it was only the name Orchid that meets both the traditional letter \'O\' name for us Orc race and also sound beautiful just like the Elf race. What\'s even more great is, the name Orchid actually both represented strength and beauty,"

"How great my life used to be in the past..." Orcborg paused as he heaves a heavy sigh. He then continued, "But just like how all good and beautiful things must come to an eventual end, the wife that I swore to love and protect for the rest of my life, and my precious daughter that was born from both of our sincere love, were both taken away from me in just one single night by the Naughty Elves organization,"

With a sharp look on his eyes, Orcborg finished his story with his last piece, "I don\'t know if it was Karma that brought such a sudden and despairful twist of Fate upon me, but there\'s only one thing that I would certainly do; I swear to prevent the same kind of Fate from falling into other families!"

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