The Great Thief

Chapter 688: Let Down

Lu Li had chosen to go down this middle path because it was the fastest way to Celebras.

Although this Centaur was called the Cursed Celebras, he wasn’t a normal Centaur – he was actually a Keeper of the Grove.

In fact, he was the son of Remulos.

After hearing about his uncle’s miserable fate, the noble Celebras vowed to save Zaetar’s soul. However, this Keeper of the Grove was completely unprepared when he encountered the darkness in Maraudon. Celebras was quickly swept away by the darkness and his heart was filled with uncontrollable anger.

Although Remulos knew what had happened to his son, he didn’t save him. This was not because he didn’t care, but because he wanted him to gain more experience.

After all, immortal beings like them weren’t killed so easily.

"Clear the small monsters first and leave the Boss alone. If we accidentally pull the Boss, don’t randomly try to run away," Lu Li instructed, then patted Watersong’s shoulder and said, "Stand there and let the Boss kill you. We’ll revive you."

"Oh!" Deep Watersong cried out.

In a game they all so passionately liked, how could they not help a teammate that was in trouble? Shouldn’t they do everything they could to not even lose a single member?

Well, perhaps that was a little too far.

In reality, the principles of playing Dawn were quite cold. It was better for one to die than for everyone to die. They wouldn’t even lose EXP – it was just a loss of equipment durability. The Main Tank and Scouts had ways of mitigating the effects of death anyway.

Deep Watersong disengaged with Stealth before turning into a bear and pulling a few monsters. The others then rushed forwards to kill them.

After several rounds of clearing out the monsters, Lu Li gave everyone some time to regenerate before telling Deep Watersong to initiate on the Boss. The remaining mobs were left to Water Fairy.

Lu Li and Cain’s Left Hand were responsible for attacking the Boss while Hachi Chan was responsible for healing them.

Maraudon only allowed 5-man teams, which was unusual for an Instance Dungeon. In fact, the level 40 Boss only had 120,000 HP which was a surprise for Lu Li.

Water Fairy came over to help them out after she had finished with the mobs.

It was quite difficult for a Defensive Druid to control and maintain aggro , and with these three strong damage output players, Deep Watersong was struggling even more. In addition, Hachi Chan was the team’s healer and her equipment was all over the place, so her healing was a little on the low side.

The Boss’ Defense was relatively high and it had an effect called Corrupt Force of Nature. This skill protected Celebras in battle and reduced its magic damage taken by 15%.

However, this didn’t matter as all three damage output players were Thieves who didn’t deal magic damage.

The Boss’ damage was also quite high, and it had some tricks up its sleeve. The first was Entangle, which bound its current target and prevented it from moving. It also dealt nature damage to the target once every 15 seconds three times.

After using its crowd-control, it would then use its high-damage single-target skill – Wrath. The Cursed Celebras would shoot an energy arrow at its target, dealing double damage to it.

Although the description said double, the effect was actually more than this.

Cain’s Left Hand was hit by it once and lost more than half of his HP bar.

Hachi Chan had to promptly postpone her healing of the Main Tank and focus on Cain’s Left Hand.

Although her healing wasn’t the best, her jumble of equipment didn’t come without its benefits. She didn’t need to heal herself as she would receive random bursts of healing, and she also didn’t to worry as much about running out of mana.

After a few minutes of fighting, Lu Li discovered that she had she had only lost a quarter of her mana because her mana regeneration was amazing. Sometimes, the dumbest people were the luckiest.

With all that being said, the most difficult part of the Boss fight was dealing with a skill that Water Fairy forced it to cast.

Twisted Tranquility – all targets within a 45-yard radius are cursed by Celebras and take double damage. Their movement speed is reduced by 70% and their attack cooldowns are increased by 300% for 5 seconds.

This really was an overpowered skill. Not only did it deal damage, but it also slowed the movement and attack speed of the players.

After the skill was cast, Water Fairy and Deep Watersong became desperate. Even if Hachi Chan’s healing was stronger, her cast rate had been reduced by 300%. How much healing could she really put out?

"Tranquility!" Lu Li shouted.

Hachi Chan immediately cast her Enhanced Tranquility.

The Boss had used Twisted Tranquility which de-buffed the group and dealt damage to them, but Hachi Chan’s Tranquility provided them all with rapid healing.

The two effects almost cancelled each other out; their HP bars were neither increasing or decreasing.

After both skills ended, the Boss cried out as it realized that the five players actually still had full HP.

"Wow! Hachi, your skill is too strong! This must be the legendary Tranquility! You’ve actually learned the strongest skill of the healing profession..." Deep Watersong said excitedly.

Regardless of the fact that Lu Li had called out the name of the skill, a Druid that enjoyed reading was bound to know the Ultimate skills of the different professions.

However, he had actually made a mistake. This wasn’t Tranquility – it was the Enhanced Tranquility.

"Little Hachi, come and join our guild. We’re all girls here," the female tycoon said, trying to poach Hachi Chan as she attacked the Boss.

Unfortunately, the girl let her down.

"Uh..." Hachi Chan didn’t think that someone like Water Fairy would try to poach her and shyly said, "I play with Dreamy, so if she doesn’t go, then I don’t go. Sorry."

"That’s okay, you can both come," Water Fairy seriously offered.

"That’s enough," Lu Li couldn’t help but interrupt. "Didn’t your teachers in school tell you not to talk to strangers? You can’t just follow someone after they’ve offered you something – shouldn’t you reject it?" "But she doesn’t want to reject it," Deep Watersong laughed.

Lu Li: ...

"Treat Dreamy and I better from now on. Otherwise, we’ll be leaving," Hachi Chan vaguely threatened as she waved her hand.

Cursed Celebras didn’t have any skills that were stronger than that, and it inevitably lost all of its HP at the hands of Lu Li and the others.

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