Way of the Knights

Chapter 669 - Well Deserved Rest


"...today marks the end of the Lectures." Raven said in a solemn tone. "I have imparted everything that I could to all of you and I also witnessed your dedication and progress. You work hard during this past few months."

"Congratulations everyone, so long as you keep everything we discussed closely in your heart, reaching your goals wouldn\'t be impossible. Give yourselves a round of applause." 

The whole audience were feeling a little emotional but celebratory as well. They called along and congratulated each other for their hard work. 

"Now, all of you can go ahead and be proud. Do well in your tasks and you will be rewarded. It\'s been a delight teaching you all. That\'s all from me." Raven announced.

"Thank you, Young Lord." His students replied to him as they all made their way out of the room. 

Shortly after, Raven was the only person left. As he cleaned-up the room before he leaves, he couldn\'t help but to feel a little melancholic but also gratified. 

"Alright, that pretty much vacates my schedule from now. Aside from a few touch-ups in other areas, I\'m on my way to being completely free." Raven muttered to himself, as he finished out cleaning the room. 

He returned to his desk and couldn\'t help but to recall the past few months. 

It had been a little hectic but it was all for the greater good of the sect. He became a lecturer in order to raise everybody\'s survival against their enemies. The more skilled and stronger everybody is, the better it would be for the overall chances of the sect to survive.

Raven didn\'t hesitate to pile-up work for himself, he had been incredibly busy that he didn\'t even have enough time to rest but it\'s all good. He didn\'t mind it since he could endure this much at least. 

Now that he had taught everything he could to his students, the rest is up to them. Raven already showed them the path to the peak, so long as they work hard, they\'d be able to reach it too. 

Now that his lectures are over, the defense of the sect both inside and out is completely up to his standards, the resources were secured by the Sect Master and Grand Elder, and all potential inner threats were removed, Raven\'s schedule was mostly vacant and it would stay like this for quite sometime. 

He had done everything he could according to his plans. The only thing that would really occupy him was the paperwork but he already has his Avatars and Kyrie settling that. His spy network his also manned by his Avatars as well and they could inform him about the recent changes as soon as he could. 

Raven was free. He could now dedicate his time in training and once he\'s up to standards, he could even receive the baptism at the Celestial Ascension Platform. 

Once he cleaned-up the room, Raven returned to his desk, kept the books he had and exited the room, locking the doors behind him.

He then made his way towards his pocket dimension only to find out that he has visitors. 

"Oh, he\'s here..."


"Eh? Elder Flame wants to meet me?" Raven was quite surprised at the sudden news Theo brought to him. 

His visitors were his usual ones, Henry, Logan, Theo and Charles. They were gathered on Raven\'s gorgeous yard, bathing in fake sunlight as they enjoyed their drinks and pastries. 

"Well, he said that you can visit him whenever you are free. What he meant by that is he\'s going to give you an errand that might take some time to finish so you better vacate your schedule for at least a month before going there." Theo explained. 

"Listen to him. He\'s the closest lackey of Elder Flame, he understands him better than everyone else." Henry advised seriously. 

"His timing is great, I just finished my last lecture. I don\'t really have much to do from now on." Raven replied as he took a sip of his tea. 

"Lucky you." Logan grumbled. 

"Indeed." Charles sighed. 

Yeah, these two are the one\'s next on the list when it comes to being busy. Unlike Raven, it would take a long time before these two can be freed from their responsibilities since they are in-charge of raising the combat prowess of the disciples with the Formations Raven created.

"I\'d bet my ass that he was probably aware of that, that\'s why he gave me the order." Theo snorted on the side. 

"Yeah, that\'s probably true." Henry added. 

Henry had some dealings with Elder Flame in the past and he\'s somewhat aware of the Elder\'s peculiarity. However, it\'s still Theo who knows Elder Flame the best since he\'s a Fire Keeper.

"Whether he knows or not, it doesn\'t really matter." Raven chuckled, "Very well, since Elder Flame is not in a hurry, I do plan on resting for at least a week since it had been hectic recently and I haven\'t had the time to rest properly. By the way, do you have any idea of what Elder Flame wants from me, Theo?"

"Beats me." Theo replied almost instantly, causing Raven to be somewhat speechless. "I tried asking him but he didn\'t want to tell me. Whatever it is, that\'s your problem." 

"Wow." Raven was really speechless. 

Anyway, that didn\'t really bother him at all. Whatever Elder Flame wants him to do, he\'d just do it if it means that it\'ll help the sect. Even if it would really take sometime for him to do, that\'s fine as well. Raven\'s not in a rush anyway. 

The group relaxed and forgot about the matter with Elder Flame. They wanted to take advantage of their minimal free time and didn\'t want to stress themselves out trying to figure-out Elder Flame\'s intentions. 

The group relaxed for three hours, then the others left since they still have somethings to do. Meanwhile, Raven was finally left alone. 

He entered the private chambers and told his Avatars that he\'d be in seclusion for two days. Then he disappeared and entered the crown palace. 


Inside the Cultivation Eden, Raven took a deep breath and felt his body lightening-up. He felt himself relaxing...

Typically, he wouldn\'t waste time and begin training right away but today\'s different. Raven chose to gorge himself with good food and rest for quite sometime. Even though Raven looked normal from the outside, in truth he\'s really exhausted, he\'s just suppressing it all. 

Training in this state wouldn\'t be ideal and would just be a wasted effort. Since time moves slower here, he wanted to take this chance to rest properly. He\'d begin his training afterwards. 

After gorging himself full of good food, Raven passed out inside his tent. He basically lost consciousness as soon as his body hit the soft and warm mattress. He didn\'t even had the energy to put on any clothes, he just covered his naked body in a thick duvet and silenced his thoughts. 

His sleep lasted for two weeks straight. Thankfully he didn\'t do it outside or else everyone will be panicking by now. During that two week sleep, Raven\'s body healed itself completely, his exhausted psyche and spirit was replenished and he was completely refreshed. The results of his sleep were ten times more effective than regular meditation. 

Well, considering how hard he worked during this past few months...this is a well deserved rest.

Raven didn\'t immediately train after he woke-up though. He took it slow by enjoying some warm and filling meal, then he exercised for a few hours, rested, ate lunch, practiced his basics until sun-down, ate dinner and slept. He didn\'t meditate or even had the thoughts to integrate with the insights his Avatars collected just yet. 

This routine lasted for whole week before Raven felt that he had completely recovered. Only then did he start his actual training. 

He started by integrating with the insights of his Avatars, allowing him to raise his comprehension of Destruction and Spacetime Laws as well as other things. 

Then he began increasing his expertise in Combat Runes. He played around and experimented on Runic Creation, he does this until dinner. After dinner, he will integrate with the knowledge of his Avatars within his Inner Cosmos. 

His cultivation progress had slowed down considerably after reaching his current realm. He wasn\'t even near to a breakthrough. Nevertheless, Raven didn\'t rush it. He patiently gathered his accumulations and let nature take it\'s course. Being anxious and rushing this would just destroy his future, Raven didn\'t want that. 

And just like that, Raven\'s seclusion continued. He paid a visit to the Scripture Graveyard and the Monument of Stars as well. He didn\'t meet any of the previous heirs this time as well but he didn\'t mind it. 

Raven polished his craft, getting better every single day. He was completely immersed in his training that sometimes he would forget everything else. Nonetheless, Raven remained calm, disciplined and patient. 

He followed his routine and forgot about time, he was only reminded by his avatars when it\'s nearly time to exit. One week before he ended his seclusion, Raven didn\'t train and just rested, spending idle time in meditation instead. 

Afterwards, he exited seclusion and prepared for his meeting with Elder Flame next week.

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