Way of the Knights

Chapter 682 - Absolute Safety Guaranteed


Rosa and Fatty cannot refute any of Little Tiger\'s claims. 

They wanted to, but they can\'t. Everything that he said so far really made them doubt the so called Tribe Leaders. Although they didn\'t want to admit that his logic was sound, deep down trepidation filled their hearts. What if it\'s true? 

"Those clowns just wanted to centralize the power amongst their ranks." Little Tiger snorted in disdain. "They wanted to forever be the superior ones while the poor ones will remain poor. That\'s how this works so wake-up you two. Stop putting your faith blindly to those clowns, you\'ll just end up disappointed."

"...of course, that\'s just a suggestion. If you wanted to, go ahead and worship them. But when time comes that the truth is revealed to everyone. Don\'t come crying to me and say I didn\'t warn you." 

Little Tiger didn\'t pay attention to them anymore and went towards the hut he built within his territory. Everything that he told them just now were lies. He did infiltrate the homes of these so called Tribe Leaders a few nights ago and witnessed everything. 

In all honesty, he wasn\'t truly surprised. No matter where he went, so long as there are humans, events like this are fairly common. Truthfully, he couldn\'t care less about those clowns, they\'re not worth his attention. He felt nothing but apathy and decided that he\'d just deal with them when time comes. 

After arranging his supplies on the temporary storage he made. He suddenly heard urgent knocking on his door. He raised a brow and opened it, he saw Fatty with his face pale and pointing towards the entrance of the hideout. 

"T-T-Tiger! It\'s the E-Elders! They\'re here." Fatty cried out, Rosa was staring at the entrance with a nervous expression too. 

"Oh?" Little Tiger non-chalantly replied. He then stepped outside of his hut and walked down to see several armed people standing just outside the entrance of the hideout. "Took them long enough." 

"What do you mean \'Took them long enough\'!? Please be a little bit more serious here, we\'re in trouble!! We\'re going to die." Fatty was tearing up.

"It\'s you who needs to calm down, Fatty." Little Tiger sighed. "Why don\'t you sit over there and watch okay? Trust me, everything will be fine. You too, Rosa. Go sit in the corner." 

He then pushed the nervous Fatty and the frozen Rosa on the steps of the hut while he waited for the armed people to come-in. 

"Are you sure that this is the place?" An old man with a long gray beard asked coldly as he glared in front of him. He\'s wearing golden colored robes which revealed a strong glare under the sunlight. Behind him stood several soldiers with mean expressions, gripping their weapons as if they\'re about to go to war.

"Y-yes, Elder." The one who replied was someone who looked like some random beggar. 

Just from this man\'s appearance alone, everyone could tell who\'s the noble and who\'s commoner right away. 

The beggar looking man didn\'t even dare to look at the Elder\'s face at all since he didn\'t want to commit an act of blasphemy, 

"You lot, go scour this place and bring that slave to me." The golden robed Elder coldly ordered. 

"Yes, Elder!" The soldiers immediately replied and entered the hideout. 

...or so they thought. 

Fatty and Rosa were almost pissing their pants in nervousness. How can they not be when Little Tiger was literally. Standing in front of the soldiers with his arms closed. His lips wore a sneer the entire time as if he was provoking them. 

The Soldiers charged forward with much ardor. And just about when Fatty and Rosa thought the Little Tiger was done for, something incredible happened. 

The soldiers went past Little Tiger as they didn\'t see him at all. Fatty and Rosa\'s eyes widened in disbelief. They rubbed their eyes just to be sure but even after doing that, the soldiers still didn\'t Little Tiger at all. 

What\'s even more ridiculous is that, Little Tiger purposefully walked in front of soldier. Waving his hand in his face but the soldier remained was still searching. 

Little Tiger looked at the gaping Fatty and Rosa, saying: "I told you didn\'t I? I can guarantee your absolute safety here."

"W-what is..." Fatty stuttered. His poor brain can\'t follow through what\'s happening in front of him. He didn\'t even understand how that became remotely possible. 

"I told you, this is my personal hideout." Little Tiger calmly explain. "Unless they entered the same way we did, they will never be able to find us here. Even that Old Coot outside won\'t see me. Only I, and the person I allowed inside will be able to enter this place."

Hearing his explanation caused Fatty and Rosa to heave a sigh in relief. They saw Little Tiger walking in front of the soldiers but none of them saw him at all. This made them believe every single word that Little Tiger told them so far. Now that they\'ve calmed down, Rosa asked...

"I\'m assuming they can\'t hear us either?" 

"Yep." Little Tiger nodded. "Something like this can happen too..."

Little Tiger walked towards a Soldier and passed through him as if the soldier was just an apparition or something. That scene was magical and unbelievable that the two can\'t wrap their heads around it. Little Tiger did it a couple of times again just for fun. 

"That\'s not all though. I can do something like this as well." 

Little Tiger stood behind a soldier, gathered his strength in his palms and...



"Skrnt! Puha...ahahahaha!!!!" Fatty tried to hold back his laughter but failed miserably. 

Little Tiger just slapped that soldiers ass and sent him flying to the depths of the forest while wailing in pain. The three of them witnessed as the soldier writhes on the ground, patting his ass-cheeks while tearing up. 

The soldier\'s comrades were alarmed, they all rushed over in alarm and asked what happened. Meanwhile, Raven unceremoniously picked-up the sword that the soldier dropped just now. 

"I can interact with them but they can\'t do the same to me. I can also summon their things here just like how I did to this sword." Little Tiger explained. "See? I told you to not worry so much. So long as you remain here, none of these clowns will be able to touch you." 

\'We\'ve made the right choice.\' Fatty and Rosa thought to themselves while nodding at Little Tiger\'s show of might. 

"What happened?" The Elder finally stepped inside the forest and checked the soldiers. He also heard about the commotion so he rushed over. 

"Oh. This Old Coot is finally here." Little Tiger smirked as he merrily walked towards the Elder. 

"Elder, this soldier was ambushed by someone, but we failed to see where the attacker was." One of the soldiers reported. 

The Elder\'s eyes gleamed dangerously, "I didn\'t feel a presence though." 

*Crack!* *Boom!*


One of the soldiers freaked out. Everyone turned around and saw a horrific scene where the sword the soldier was holding shattered like it was a fragile glass and disappeared mysteriously. 

The Elder\'s eyes narrowed dangerously as he roared: "Who!!? Show yourself!!" 

"I\'ll deal with you last, you old dog." Little Tiger said but of course, the Elder didn\'t hear a thing. 

One by one, Little Tiger Shattered the weapons of the soldiers and stole the brown pouches they were carrying on their waists.

He shattered some weapons and stole some as well. After that, he proceeded to knock them one by one starting from the soldiers. One chop in the neck was all it took for them to drop like flies. Seeing as how his soldiers were dropping like flies, trepidation filled the Elder\'s heart. 

"I demand you to show yourself-oughrt!!" 

The Elder\'s body almost caved-in, he felt as if his stomach was hit by a solid object, what\'s frustrating is that he failed to see nor sense anything at all. It didn\'t just end there.

Numerous crisp slaps echoed in the forest. In no time, the Elder\'s face became swollen and his consciousness teetered at the edge of fainting. The invisible attacks stopped for a bit and the Elder thought that he finally had the chance to escape. 

He roused his Berserker\'s cultivation base and began sprinting out of the forest, unfortunately, before he could go any further, he felt a strong blow on his head and he promptly fell unconscious on the ground. 

Little Tiger sneered and crouched down beside the elder. He flipped him around and started stripping him of everything he owned. He also asked Fatty and Rosa to help, they will deal with the soldiers. 

While they weren\'t looking, Little Tiger made a shallow cut on the Elder\'s chest. Rousing his Dragon Qi, he began placed his palms on the elder\'s chest and began collecting blood. A couple of second\'s later, a drop of glistening blood appeared on his palms. 

Little Tiger opened his mouth and consumed it, sealing the drop of blood as it entered his body. 

"You don\'t deserve the dragon\'s blood you old coot. It\'s mine now, don\'t worry I\'ll make good use of it.." Little Tiger whispered as he regrouped with his friends. 

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